★ 為什麼Marketing是這麼多人的第一志願?
- 世界產業型態發生大規模變遷,不變的是各行各業都有行銷需求,職缺不減反增
- 具備行銷知識能幫助審時度勢、創造商機,無論任何領域的人才皆想修習
- 英國許多名校的行銷碩士學位,不限制需要商學院背景才能申請
★ 現在英國的疫情狀況如何?對校園與學生有何保障措施?
※你知道現在最夯的Digital Marketing、Marketing in E-commerce到底在學什麼嗎?
With the rollout of an effective vaccination programme and successful containment of pandemic spread, international students are now eyeing the UK as their number one study abroad destination. Given 'Marketing' is one of the most popular programmes among international applicants, we expect the competition to get onto one of these programmes in the UK will become increasingly fierce.
※Taiwanese students have long favoured to study 'Marketing', but do you know how many variations there are in this field?
※In the most popular subsets, such as Digital Marketing and Marketing in E-commerce, what will you learn?
※What type of Marketing course will give me the best boost up the career ladder?
OxBridge Consulting has successfully guided hundreds of applicants each year to pursue business- and marketing-related studies. In this session, our field consultants will share their experiences and showcase the best-fit courses for you to make your dream come true!