而疫後時代的英國又再次成為各國學生關注焦點,在擁有NHS健保完整保障之下,包含各校修正入學門檻、祭出獎學金方案... 使得含金量原本就高的英國學位,CP值再度往上推升。
- 當今英國情況對國際生入學有何變化及影響?
- 準時2021今年入學→瞭解簽證辦理注意事項、NHS健保相關政策
- 籌備2022明年入學→釐清科系選擇與就業前景、選校方向

In the post-pandemic era, UK has once again become the focus of international students.
Combining the comprehensive coverage of NHS healthcare, flexible university entry requirements and generous merit scholarships, there is no better time than now to study in a British university.
Join us in this seminar to find out the latest opportunities on studying in the UK. Let the experts at OxBridge walk you through the process of upgrading, upskilling and redefining your career path.